Understanding the Structure of Dubai Police Ranks and Uae Police Ranks

Dubai Police Rank Structure Overview

Among fast-growing cityscapes of the modern world, Dubai attracts attention due to its tall Skyline and rich live- ment, as well as an efficient and provide police force. Rank structure of the Dubai Police Department is important for the protection of this multicultural city and for organizing law enlisting. This blog will focus on the ranking system of the UAE Police, the format of the police, and the reason one needs to know this format if you are a citizen, a resident, or a tourist in Dubai.

Overview of Police Ranks in Dubai

DubaiDubai Policeforce rank or Dubai Police ranks are well structured organizational hierarchy of officers that divides performing duties based on scale of authority. Police organisation chart again serves the purpose of checking the running of operations so that each officer is in his position to perform detailed assignments.

They make sure that issues of management regarding various law enforcement departments such as traffic regulation and police investigations are well ordered. In the rank structure of the military each rank corresponds to specific duties, levels of power, and mandatory requirements of rank. Here is a brief of the police ranks in Dubai and the UAE.

The Role of Leadership in Uae Police Forces

FORCESThe Dubai police ranks hierarchy string starts with the highest level leadership positions. These are the people who have the greatest power and who are in a position to make the final decisions over police operations. From the General of Police up to the Deputy General they must make sure that all the forces they are commanding works in unison to help enforce the law and protect people. Hence, this section is
devoted to major participants and the effects of their actions on law enforcement strategies in Dubai.

  1. General of Police

There Also, Is a Rank Known as the “General of Police” or “Commander-in-Chief” Who Stands as the Highest in the Policing System of the UAE. This person is charged with the control of the entire force of policemen, formulation of guidelines and the crucial decision making in ensuring that the laws are followed to the later and safety of the public in the emirate is maintained. The General of Police is normally an officer nominated by the ruler of Dubai and is much involved in influencing the developmental trend of policing in the area.The General of Police is in direct cooperation with other officials in the government and police agency to oversee crime control, security, and disaster risk reduction and management. They are also involved in international relations as well as international compliance in making sure that Dubai has complied with international polic.

2. Deputy General of Police

PoliceThe Deputy General comes right below the General of Police and works directly under this top ranked officer. When there is no General, the Deputy General assumes the management of the police force. The Deputy General participates in the preparation of policy as well as taking vital decisions with regards to the operational running of the police force.They use feedback with other main officers of different level, mainly, Brigadiers and Colonels, to provide effective interconnection between divisions and better utilization of resources.

3. Brigadier

Translating this in to the structure of law enforcement in UAE, the Brigadier rank is one of the most desirable. Brigadiers are still officials with considerable responsibility, and they can be in charge of a whole department or a certain section of the police force.
It is noteworthy that some of these specialized departments could be counter-terrorism, traffic management department, criminal investigate department among others. The Brigadier Is also in charge of massive police operations; makes decisions in emergency situations; guarantees correct legal actions. Most of the time, they are in a partnership with the Colonels and the Lieutenant Colonels in order to fulfill the operational need of the police force.

4. Colonel

ColonelColonel is a Police rank in the Dubai Police General Command and refers to an officer that supervises huge formations or a certain regional police. This rank comes with a lot of responsibility and Colonels make it possible to check all divisions that are operational. Sometimes they are supposed to perform such responsibilities as planning higher-level operations, security, and how to respond to emergent situations.Brigadiers are ranked above Colonels and while may head investigatory or special task in force, their roles may vary depending on sub specialization

Dubai Police Officers During Traffic Control Operations

5. Lieutenant Colonel

Lt Col is one of the most important ranks under colonel that assists the colonels and brigadiers in planning top level operations and commands divisions of police. Lieutenant Colonels are usually assigned responsibility for supervising a large group of personnel, controlling resources, and overseeing that police plans are properly executed. In practice, Lieutenant Colonels have to work with other police units and ensure that every day activity on the force is properly coordinated.


The Major rank stands for quite a significant position in the total ranking of the Dubai local police force. Majors oversee subordinate operationalcommands or police stations, and arecharge of certain criminal operations or law enforcement duties intheir areas. They are responsible for management and co-ordination of routine policing operations, protection of the public and crime investigating of specified offenses.
One way in which majors feature in policing noted for years is because majors work hand in hand with captains as well as lieutenants suborn them in as an way ensure effective co ordination of the.

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The Importance of Junior Police Ranks

Although strategy and decision making and general management of the police force falls in the hands of the senior officers, the junior officers also have a giving a whole lot of duty in the Dubai Police force. These positions entails that the officers have to be in contact with walk-in individuals, handle emergencies and enforce laws on a routine basis. They explain about the various tasks and daily working activities performed by officers holding low rank.


They also refer to field officers in the UAE police force ranks and are mainly in charge of sections or squad. They may be in charge of criminal investigation departments, traffic departments or public order department. A Captain plays a strategic position in his organization especially during police operations and supervises a group of police officers.It is often the captain’s responsibility to coordinate management and implementation of rules and regulations at organisational sub-subordinate level. They are crucial in passing information within their respective department as well as keeping seniors abreast of their relevant information

2.First Lieutenant

It is a management position within the force as the First Lieutenant is a supervisory position. They help Captains and Majors to coordinate their unit, make sure assignments are accomplished as scheduled, and help subordinates on scene. This rank of First Lieutenants as a rule participates in the planning of operations as well as giving junior officers advice.Even though their rank might be considered subordinate to other ranks in military hierarchy, First Lieutenants are responsible for the basic enforcement of discipline and proper coordination of activities of subordinates – with immediate superiors

3. Second Lieutenant

Most cases the Second Lieutenant is a junior officer with little experience in the position, they may have just graduated from or have been promoted from a lower rank. Thus, Second Lieutenants are one of the lowest ranks in the police hierarchy in Dubai and, at the same time, the essential employees who assist their commanders in strengthening the legal framework and leading police forces in various tasks. They offer support to the field operations, they are in charge of a few officers and report directly to the First Lieutenants or Captains

4. Sergeant Major

A Sergeant major directs the operations of a group or sub-group of officers on field operations. They have a very important responsibility of overseeing the behavior of and work output of the police officers who fall under them. The Sergeant Major is also in charge of older soldiers; in other words, he is a guide to junior officers.Sergeant Majors are usually expected to maintain order of their unit and that all officers are properly accessorized for their duties

5. Sergeant

Sergeants are generally expected to act as the leaders and supervisors of onsite officers. They are responsible for offering direction and ensuring that all police officers abide to certain standards. They are expected to perform routine functions in their company, ensuring they provide support in investigations besides overseeing small scales operations.Sergeants in most police organizations supervise a particular section or a squad and they work directly under a Captain or Major

6. Corporal

The Corporal is a junior non commissioned officer in charge of supervising small groups of other officers. These are involved in day-to-day police operations and tasks include; patrol duties, assisting in investigations, and commanding a smaller team. Corporals are subordinated to Sergeants or senior officers and are responsible for the discipline of subordinated troops

7. Police Officer

The Police Officer is an instrument of the Dubai police ranks and is considered as an important component of this structure. They incur full responsibility for performing the primary duties that are expected from the police, such as patrol, handling of emergent situations, conducting investigations, and protection of the people. Police officers perform in different circumstances being frequently the first to respond to different scenarios that require order and safety.

Dubai Police General of Police Leadership Role

Key Responsibilities of Uae Police Force Ranks

The roles of law enforcement ranks in the UAE are aimed to provide an effective organization of the duties of law enforcement. Some of the key responsibilities include:Maintaining Public Safety: It is imperative to recognize that every officer in the force, in any rank they are, as a duty of overseeing law and order. Subordinate officers like Brigadiers and Colonels deal with large operations, while the junior officers, Sergeants/Corporals make certain that the communities they serve are safe.Criminal Investigation and Law Enforcement: High ranking officers are in charged with criminal investigations and other measures against crime. Majors and Captains may be in charge of particular cases, and the rest of the officers assist them by obtaining intelligence and proof.Traffic Control and Road Safety: The rule of traffic laws is considered as an essential duty of all the law enforcement departments of Dubai. Offices like, Lieutenant Colonels
and Majors supervise the traffic divisions, regulating and controlling the traffic, handling of accidents and implementation infringements of traffic laws.Community Engagement: There exists community socialization at every level of officers. This is particularly so in the case of Police Officers and Sergeants, who interact with the residents of that community and assist in establishing the necessary rapport and credibility for police presence in that particular community

Why Understanding Police Ranks in Dubai Is Important

That is why, for those, who live in Dubai or plan to come there, it is useful to know about the police ranks in Dubai. Related to this or whether you have been involved in a crime and reporting it or whether you are stuck in a certain encounter with the police officers which could a traffic control or an arrest, there are many benefits of knowing the rank of the police officers. Today, higher ranking officers are assigned with issues that are more complicated and severe in comparison with lower ranking officers that focus on routine tasks.

Table 1:Overview of key information AspectDetailsTotal RanksTotal Ranks10 Ranks: Police Constable, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier, Major General, Lieutenant GeneralStarting SalaryAED 4,000 – AED 6,000 (Police ConstableSalary Range for RanksPolice Constable: AED 4,000 – AED 6,000
Sergeant: AED 8,000 – AED 12,000Lieutenant: AED 12,000 – AED 18,000Captain: AED 15,000 – AED 25,000Major: AED 20,000 – AED 30,000Lieutenant Colonel: AED 25,000 – AED 35,000Colonel: AED 30,000 – AED 40,000Brigadier: AED 40,000 – AED 50,000Major General: AED 50,000 – AED 60,000Lieutenant General: AED 60,000 and above.BenefitsHousing and transportation allowances, medical insurance, holiday and overtime pay.Promotion FactorsTraining and development programs, mentorship opportunities, and networking events.Career DevelopmentTraining and development programs, mentorship opportunities, networking events.


The force structure and ranks found with the Dubai Police force are important for the smooth operation of a modern city. Right from the General of Police to the police officer, it is common to see that all the ranking system is put in place for efficiency in the force. Increased comprehension of the ranks in the UAE Police as well as the role of police
at every rank might assist people living in UAE as well as tourists who want to get the assistance of the police in their country. Elaborating, it will suffice to say that as a rapidly developing city, Dubai will also have its police force rank improve, embrace modern innovations as well as concepts that will make the city secure for individuals and property. From such a hierarchy one might finally understand the job of policemen along with the efforts needed to enforce law and order.